Solid, safe, transparent.
That’s how we like to be.
We ensure the correct execution of the Go To Market Strategy, maximizing the shopping experience through the integration of the sales channels, physical and digital.
We adopt a data centric approach, orienting our clients towards the best strategic decisions for their business.
The truth is that we are all part of the change.
Concrete actions to leave a tangible mark of our vision.
Engineer, 65 years old, three children and an enormous passion for cycling.
Is a good dose of entrepreneurial spirit and strategic vision enough to become a market leader? No, not unless matched by a healthy obsession with innovation and the continuous search for courageous employees with no fear of stepping out of their comfort zone.
To support the Brand in maximizing its Go-To-Market Strategy, a few key elements are essential: vision and excellence in "execution." For that, we focus everything on the human factor: passion, commitment and sense of responsibility.
In our market today, being an innovative company means having a data centric approach: we must enable those who have to make strategic decisions to be able to do so in the shortest possible time. Technology research and adoption of careful ESG policies are our focus for future development.
The field marketing has a fundamental need: the implementation of contractual protections that can offer appropriate guarantees first and foremost to the employees that the company places at the service of its customers. From this realization comes a commitment to the ANASFiM trade association.
Getting together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.
Henry Ford's quote perfectly sums up the relationship we try to create with our Clients: sharing, trust and team spirit are the elements behind every good result.
Meritocracy and development of talent potential: this is what to focus on today for healthy growth of a successful company.
What makes DPV unique? Being able to design pioneering solutions that enable Brands to innovatively approach the market.
The brands' needs have changed dramatically, starting with the touch points they use to dialogue with shoppers: physical and digital are now merged into a single environment. In this complex ecosystem, where channels and media become one, the DPV Group is able to support the brand in the new omnichannel challenges.
A successful company can be measured by turnover, the number of locations, the amount of services offered, but there are other human factors that matter just as much, indeed, probably even more.
The truth is that we are all part of the change.
Concrete actions to leave a tangible mark of our vision.
You can always count on us.
Transparent and accountable, to offer you necessary protections, guarantees and certifications.
Facciamo affidamento su un Modello Organizzativo solido e un Codice Etico affidabile (ex D. LGS. 231/01).
Operiamo nel pieno rispetto del D. Lgs 81/08. Ogni risorsa, di sede o operante sul territorio, è dotata delle certificazioni previste.
Tuteliamo le nostre risorse con i migliori standard di sicurezza anche nei casi di emergenza sanitaria.
La certificazione ISO 9001 ci ha consentito di offrire maggiore flessibilità e dinamicità, salvaguardando nel tempo i livelli qualitativi.
Il nostro trattamento normativo ed economico dei dipendenti operanti sul territorio è definito con accordo A.N.A.S.FI.M.
You know the potential of your products, their positioning and timing to intervene.
We know the points of sale better than anyone else.
Put us to the test: start a pilot project, a test.
You will convince yourself.